Fundraising For Operation Husky Member Representation

OPERATION HUSKY 75th ANNIVERSARY is a tour of battlefield tour/visits of Italy during the period of November 2nd to 12th, 2018

A current serving member of the regiment has volunteered to represent the Regiment unofficially. The trip is being paid privately by the member for fees for cost of the tour and as well airfare and miscellaneous expenses.

This will be quite a learning experience for this young member of the regiment as they will be witness to some of the battlefields in Italy where past members of our regiment served.   With some funding already arranged to support some of the expenses to be incurred by the young soldier, additional funding is needed to assist with these expenses.

The Association has been working closely with the Regiment to set up a GoFundMe page and are reaching out to members of the FB Page and Members of the Association, military community and general public to assist where possible. Any amount is much appreciated as we are looking to minimise the amount this young Bdr wilI have to self-fund.